I have changed this newsletter’s name from Grant&Co to African Accelerationism. Here’s why:
There is a finite amount of resources and we all need to do our part to reduce emissions, reduce consumption and reduce the population. Even Africa.
I say screw that.
It's become expected to be pessimistic. Optimists are scorned. We can’t afford to have kids. Use a paper straw on your flight to Bali. If the world’s going down might as well party in paradise.
I'm an environmentalist. I've tried my hand at permaculture farming. I ran a biofuel business. I love nature. So know where I'm coming from when I say this:
We need more.
More cement factories. More nuclear power. More coal power if that's what it takes. More roads. More parks. More trees planted. More investing. More state capacity. More chemical fertilizer. More oil refineries. More people. More genetically modified crops. More mining. More mineral value addition like battery fabs.
African Acceleration is a response to decelerationist philosophy, arguably force-fed by some institutions in the West to limit growth in Africa. These degrowth practices include making Africans use firewood, outdated fertilizer practices and unreliable energy. Think I’m exaggerating? Consider this:
“We can’t afford for everyone to live our lifestyles.” according to an American climate funder. “Lights are plenty for those people.”
“Those people”?
This “let them eat solar panels” philosophy need not be the moral compass of developing countries.
Any negative impact Africa might have is a drop in a 20-liter bucket. But more likely, adding billions of brilliant minds to the world economy will be a net positive.
African Accelerationism puts a name to what has been described by the likes of
This is what you get if you rely on the UN/World Bank/WEF? Extreme fail in several places in US after spending billions to increase our debt. Fossil Fuels are the only answer, why doesn't Africa get to benefit from our +200 years of enriching human life? Start simple with propane imports and millions of propane stoves?
You hit the mark on this one
This is what you get if you rely on the UN/World Bank/WEF? Extreme fail in several places in US after spending billions to increase our debt. Fossil Fuels are the only answer, why doesn't Africa get to benefit from our +200 years of enriching human life? Start simple with propane imports and millions of propane stoves?